Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Hot Girl

Hahahahaha...In my commercial class last night, we were talking about what "types" or "characters" we could play. Our teacher asked me how I saw myself, and I responded with cute girl next door, cheerleader, young intern, etc. She then started to tell me how I could play the "hot girl" in beer commercials or "the one in the Go Daddy Super Bowl commercial." Oh, you mean supermodel, Bar Refaeli? Sure...that's definitely flattering, but really? Comparing me to Bar Refaeli?

Image courtesy of The Roosevelts

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Third time's a charm

Welp, I was on hold for another show. This was my third pin and I was really hoping that the above saying is true, but I didn't get the part. Actually they didn't even tell me they released the pin which is the most annoying part. I only figure I didn't get it since it's supposed to work today. Oh well. If it's not this one, it's the next one, right? Besides, I'm definitely coming down with something. Hopefully it's not this crazy deadly flu that's going around. So much for starting off 2013 with a bang.