Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Hot Girl

Hahahahaha...In my commercial class last night, we were talking about what "types" or "characters" we could play. Our teacher asked me how I saw myself, and I responded with cute girl next door, cheerleader, young intern, etc. She then started to tell me how I could play the "hot girl" in beer commercials or "the one in the Go Daddy Super Bowl commercial." Oh, you mean supermodel, Bar Refaeli? Sure...that's definitely flattering, but really? Comparing me to Bar Refaeli?

Image courtesy of The Roosevelts

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Third time's a charm

Welp, I was on hold for another show. This was my third pin and I was really hoping that the above saying is true, but I didn't get the part. Actually they didn't even tell me they released the pin which is the most annoying part. I only figure I didn't get it since it's supposed to work today. Oh well. If it's not this one, it's the next one, right? Besides, I'm definitely coming down with something. Hopefully it's not this crazy deadly flu that's going around. So much for starting off 2013 with a bang.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Attractor Factor

I started listening to an audio book called The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale. Normally I'm not into all that hocus pocus mumbo jumbo, but the book does make some points that I'm going to try to incorporate in my life.

First of all, I don't really believe in "spirit guides" (notice the quotation marks I added...), but Joe writes writes that it's more comforting to believe that there is some guiding spirit whatever that may be to you.

Most of the book talks about the energy that you are sending out to the universe, kind of like "The Secret," a book which I also read and thought was a load of silliness. But Joe states that you not only have to define your goals but also follow your instincts in how to achieve them. Yes, you have to set a goal in motion, not just send your energies out to the universe and wait for happiness to come to you.

Another great part in the book so far is how the energy you give off is also reflected in other people. For example, if you don't trust yourself to do a good job on a certain project, then your boss won't trust you to do a good job either. I'm sure you've heard it before...confidence is key, and other people will pick up on any negative vibes you're sending out there. This can also be applies to other aspects like relationships. Don't people always say that you can't truly be loved until you love yourself?

Continuing on with the confidence aspect, you have to release all of your fears of accomplishing your goals because they will only stand in your way. By letting your fears cloud your energy, you will be keeping yourself from taking the necessary steps in accomplishing your goals. What's that quote? "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." Something like that...

Lastly, visualize and win. Imagine your life after you've accomplished your goal and the universe will help you achieve it. If you see the ball swishing through the basket it increases your chances of that actually happening. So, if I start believing that I'm a movie star and start acting like it, then others will believe it too.

Anyway, check it out. So far, I haven't thought it's been a complete waste of time. If you take away anything, you'll at least have a more positive outlook on life which will make you happier no matter what you do or don't achieve.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

So close x2

Welp I had another "close but no cigar" moment yesterday. Things were great and they "had a pin in me" but they decided to go with someone else. So the only thing to do is to just keep going. It's unfortunate that the holidays are quickly approaching which means a break until January, and I feel like I have nothing to show for my whole year. I know that's not true. Obviously this is a huge step in the right direction, but I can't help but be discouraged.

On a happier note, two friends came over last night. We made sushi for dinner and then played Just Dance. Nothing makes me happier than goofing off with friends. :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

What are you thankful for?

Wow it's Thanksgiving week! I don't know where the entire year went, but here we are at the end of November. With 2013 right around the corner, I've started thinking about where I was 12 months ago. Sometimes I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere, but I know that's far from the truth. Things have been a little slow, well more like a lot slow, but I'm still proud of how far I've come. Last December, I book my first major acting job. Then, in January, I signed with a great talent agency. I've also been in acting classes and can definitely see improvement. I've gone on almost 30 auditions this year and have made really good relationships with some casting directors and even impressed a few producers. I think that's a pretty productive year. I'm just very fortunate and thankful for all of these opportunities. It is Thanksgiving after all...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How old am I?

I get it. I look younger than I really am. But how old do I really look? Or rather, how young can I really look? I have an audition tomorrow to play 12-14. Yup, that's more than 10 years younger than I actually am, and personally I think 15 is a stretch.  But 12?! Are you crazy?! My manager says that I can pass for a 14 year old and this is "TV 14" we're talking about here, not real life 14. I'm still not convinced, but I guess we'll see. What are preteens wearing these days?