Tuesday, November 6, 2007


since i no longer do hw...this is what i just came across. it's just really nice to hear something like this, especially right now.

I just want to remind you that life is still moving forward and the sun is still shining down on you. The love you deserve is still out there and the compassion and empathy you are seeking is right there deep inside of you. It’s right here on La Dolce Vita as well.

There are billions of people out there in this world which means the ones who have trampled over your heart and stolen a bit of your faith are not the center of the universe nor should they be the center of yours any longer. Play the lead in your life. Give yourself top billing and walk away from a cast that’s not supporting you properly. All relationships, be they platonic, romantic or familial should fill you up and make you feel safe, loved and respected. You do not owe anyone moments of your life, tears from your eyes or chunks of your self-esteem.

We all know there will be those who will devalue, disregard and disappoint you but as a Dolce, you know (or are learning) that you don’t have to be one of them.

The sweetest part of life is feeling safe, secure and loved when you are alone. Let us remind one another that we have all of the love, support, strength and good direction we need and it lives in our own hearts.

Take care of you because you can.

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